Liposuction San Antonio
If you have unwanted localized areas of fat on your body, you are not alone. A balanced diet and exercise are the best ways to reduce fat and improve your body’s contour. However, there may be certain areas of fat that will not go away no matter how hard you try. The difficulty in getting rid of these areas may be due to genetics rather than dieting or exercise.
Liposculpting with the use of liposuction can be used to improve these areas, your overall appearance and ultimately your self confidence. Liposuction is not a substitute for weight reduction, but a method of removing localized fat that does not respond to dieting and exercise.
Liposuction may be performed by itself or with other procedures such as a facelift, breast reduction, or a tummy tuck.
Liposuction surgery can be used to treat fat pockets in many parts of the body including:
- Abdomen and waist
- Thighs and hips
- Arms, bra rolls and back
- Inner knee
- Chest
- Chin
- Ankles
This surgical procedure uses hollow tubes or cannulas and a vacuum machine to remove unwanted fat. During the procedure a small cannula is passed through small incisions in the skin and manipulated in a way that the unwanted fat is broken up and passes into the cannula and then is removed by the attached machine.
Who is a good candidate for liposuction?
A good candidate for liposuction should have realistic expectations about the results of the procedure. They should be motivated to maintain their results after the procedure. In addition, he or she should:
- Be of average or only slightly above-average weight
- Have elastic skin with few stretch marks
- Be in good overall health
- Have localized pockets of fat that do not respond well to diet and exercise
Age is not a consideration when discussing liposuction. However, older adults often have less elasticity in their skin and thus may not achieve the same results that a younger person with tighter skin might get.
Overweight patients may be candidates for liposuction as long as their expectations are appropriate. These patients may also have less skin elasticity and thus they may have some loose skin after the procedure.
People with cellulite are not good candidates for liposuction because they may develop skin irregularities in the treated area.

Body Procedures
When considering body contouring surgery, how do I determine if I should have a tummy tuck or liposuction?
The choice of which procedure to have is based on several factors:
- The patient’s expectations
- The patient’s medical history
- The patient’s physical findings of the fat deposits, muscles, and skin quality
- The patient’s social situation since each procedure has different periods of recuperation
During your surgical evaluation Dr. Chattar-Cora will listen to your concerns and expectations. He will then get a history and perform a physical examination on the areas that concern you. Since Dr. Dee’s primary goal is to give you a harmonious cosmetic outcome that meets your stated goals, he may bring to your attention areas that you were not aware of.
How long will my surgery take?
Depending on what areas you are having treated and the volume of fat that is removed surgery may last from one to six hours. The choice of where the procedure is done depends on the patient’s preference, and the volume of fat that is removed. If you are healthy and do not have large volumes of fat removed, the procedure can be done at a surgery center or hospital and you will go home the same day. If large amounts of fat will be removed, to ensure your safety the procedure will be done in a facility where you can stay overnight and be monitored.
Liposuction can be done under local anesthesia with medications that help you forget what is happening or under general anesthesia. The decision of how to perform the procedure is based on patient preference and if other procedures are being done.
You will return home with a compression garment for the treated areas. Use of this garment is advised for four to six weeks since it helps reduce swelling after liposuction and may help minimize skin from sagging. Once pain and soreness decrease, it is frequently more comfortable to wear lycra or spandex exercise garments. Initial discomfort is easily controlled with oral pain medication, with some patients returning to work within one to three days. Bruising and swelling usually subside in 2 to 4 weeks, and the final result takes shape over 2 to 3 months.
What will my follow up be?
You will be seen in our office within one week after your surgical procedure. Pain is usually well controlled with the medication provided to you. You can drive a car once your pain is controlled without prescription medications. Depending what procedure(s) you have done and what your activity level at work is, plan on taking one week off from work. All your routine follow-up care is included in the original surgical fee and covers one year of routine visits.
How soon can I return to normal activity?
You are allowed to shower the day after surgery. Recuperation after liposuction will vary depending on what areas are treated. Light activity is comfortable in 7 to 20 days, but contact to the liposuctioned area is discouraged for about 6 week.

What will it cost?
The cost of liposuction in San Antonio varies based on the type of procedure that is done. We offer patient financing plans, so be sure to ask. The cost may include the following:
- Surgeon’s fee
- Hospital or surgical facility costs
- Anesthesia fees
For your liposuction, Elite Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery is the right place to go to. Dr. Chattar-Cora will consult with you on all aspects of the procedure, including cost. Your satisfaction involves more than a fee. When choosing a plastic surgeon, remember that your comfort with him or her are just as important as the final cost of the surgery. Dr Chattar-Cora takes his time to understand your goals and desire for the best long term outcome.
Most health insurance plans will not cover cosmetic surgery related complications, or another surgery to revise the appearance of your treated area(s). You must carefully review your health insurance policy.