Photo of model for Before & After Photos page
Before & After Photos
Patient 11
Procedure(s): Otoplasty
Description: 30 year old male for professional reasons elected to have his gauged earlobes... »
*Results may varyRef #:1278
Patient 12
Procedure(s): Otoplasty
Description: 39 year old that torn her ear lobe with heavy earrings. She had... »
*Results may varyRef #:1279
Patient 13
Procedure(s): Otoplasty
Description: 31 year old felt that his professional aspirations were limited because of his... »
*Results may varyRef #:1280
Patient 14
Procedure(s): Otoplasty
Description: 22 year old that found that some of his professional/educational opportunities were limited... »
*Results may varyRef #:1281